It is an independent agency of the US Federal Government, whose main function is to collect and analyze information about the activities of foreign organizations and citizens. The CIA is part of the U.S. Intelligence Community, which is led by the Director of National Intelligence.
To contact the appropriate agency at CIA headquarters, you can call the CIA headquarters by phone. Contact the CIA online /send your message. To contact CIA officials, you can also use the online contact link. Please click here to share report information CIA: Contact the CIA. Send your report information to cia by mail.
Your ideas are important! Whether it's advice or a question, we listen carefully. Join us and become a part of something bigger. Remember that in the world of the CIA, every piece of information is important! In order for your message to arrive at the right place, you only need to use the official CIA website.
To find the official website on the onion network, you must use browsers that support onion routing. And also compare links only to trusted sources.
To send information to the CIA on the official website, you need to use standard sending forms. To make your email anonymous, use the CIA onion and click the "anonymous" checkbox.
CIA Contact
Report Info CIA
Official Website CIA
CIA cannot return phone calls, emails, or other forms of communication from U.S. citizens living outside of the United States.
If you have information that you think may be of interest to the CIA in connection with our mission to collect foreign intelligence information, there are many ways to contact us. The most popular ways to communicate information to the CIA are anonymous messages using the "contact cia onion" and written messages.
Contact CIA
CIA Tips
Reach out to the CIA effortlessly online.
Report information safely and anonymously.
Access the CIA's official website and resources.
Explore the CIA's onion site for hidden info.
Your information could be crucial! Don’t hesitate to reach out and share what you know.
Visit the CIA's official website for verified information and updates. No fake news here!
Your onion messages CIA are encrypted, ensuring your secrets stay secret.
Our agents are trained professionals ready to handle your information with care.
The CIA operates worldwide, so your intel can make a global impact.
Report information anonymously if you prefer to stay in the shadows. We respect your privacy!
Expect a swift response to your inquiries.
We’ve got answers to your burning inquiries!
Visit our official website for secure communication options.
Anything suspicious or concerning national security matters is welcome.
Find it on our official site for easy submissions.
Access our hidden services for secure, anonymous communication.